
Solve a conflict in 3 minutes

If your partner wants sex and you don’t, or if they want to eat meat and you don’t, you have a conflict – in the literal sense of the word. Whether this becomes a fight, or creates distance, depends on what you do next.

Watch here what you can do with Nonviolent Communication to solve the conflict in only 3 minutes!

The number one tool I’m mentioning in this video is the Empathy Sheet. Register on my homepage to receive the Empathy Sheet for free.

Watch hear how to solve your conflict with Nonviolent Communication:

Do you have any questions about solving your conflict with Nonviolent Communication? Or any comments, ideas about NVC videos? Please leave them underneath, I will always respond to them!

And if you want to learn NVC in real life, check out my NVC Incredible Connections Masterclass. I would love to meet you there.

And as I said: the number one tool I’m mentioning in this video is the Empathy Sheet. Register on my homepage to receive the Empathy Sheet for free.



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