‘”Nonviolent Communication”?…but I’m not a violent person!’ Have you heard this kind of reaction to the term Nonviolent Communication? Or maybe you have resistance or confusion around the term yourself? Check this video to find out how to deal with any unpleasant emotions that the name often brings. And maybe you have suggestions for a new name? Let me know in the comments of the video!
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When I asked my employer to fund nvc courses for me, I experienced the name “non-violent communication” as quite a problem. It sounds like threat, as if I have the habit of hitting other people during conversations, and that I will continue to do so if he refuses to pay. I think it would be easier to ask funding if the name was more in line with what organizations nowadays want from their employees, like “connecting”, “inspirational”, “effective”, “harmonious”, “graceful”.
Love your analysis of term.I have not yet a suggestion, but the new term should include the aspect of selfcommunication clearly. I have some toxic, destructive and aggressive persons around me who get even worse when treated with nonviolent communication (see Trump). Only stopping connection with such people is safe for your own selfrespect ? Nonviolent communication cannot work with some psychopaths at all, people should know that.
On this occasion I just reiterate, that I did not get the last video of the course, and hope you can fix that. Thank you
My contribution to brainstorming party is
NBC (need-based communication).
Technical question: I do not see subtitles – is it only my problem or are they omitted? (I do not need them much, but sometimes they are useful.)
I love your suggestion, thanks Mirek! Yes Im aware about the subtitles, Youtube doesnt always create them automatically, and to handwrite is very time-consuming, I haven’t decided yet what to do with this..
Beautiful and encouraging video. What about communicating and showing empathy to toxic family members who constantly criticize you and violate your boundaries