Do you say ‘no’ when your bed partner is doing something that is ok-ish? That’s right. I’m not talking about saying ‘No’ when there is a super clear NO, visible for you and everyone around you in a radius of a 100 kilometers. I’m talking about this gray zone in which you are tolerating something. Because you liked it last time. Because you liked it a minute ago. Because you might start to like it in a minute. Because you love this person. Ever been in that situation? I have, and I’ve had an amazing process with a surprising result when it comes to this, and will share my tips & tricks with you about how to say no when the ‘no’ is not so loud, in this video!
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Give your reaction in the comment section underneath!
Hi, thanks a lot for this video, it is really helpful and important! I really appreciate you opened this topic. Thanks again!
Thanks Hana!
Nice Marianne, thanks for sharing this. I like this food for thought in intimate life. Will try to try 🙂
👍 Awesome. Thank you sooo much for your courage to post this video. I had been thinking of and working on this exact topic recently. Very, very helpful.
Dear Marianne,
You did a fabulous job talking about a subject that is hard to talk about…and is a must! Thank you for your candidness, skillful way of approaching the subject of saying “no” with bed partner(s)! Please keep it up; we need it!
With Gratitude,
Thanks so much for exploring and communicating about this 🙂 very helpful and inspiring.
Sooo helpful. I want more. Also I’d love a webanar
I’d be shy too, and I really liked that you were shy and that you could admit it. Your shyness helped me relate to you more!
Thanks for bringing this topic and your opppeness!
Of course I can relate to your experience!
When I’m not present, which means , either I’m thinking about assignments I have to do or contemplating about something I did, or happened it’s difficult to engage in intimate relationship.
I tend to feel guilt that he is nice and gentle and I can’t return the kindness
Thank you for this video, i think you are very brave talking about this!
I have felt for a long time that there was something not going right but i never really found the words for it. You have made it so clear and you are giving a solutions as well.
I can’t wait to try this and get the love life i have always dreamed of!
I loved this video and appreciate your courage to talk about sex in service of liberation, self-connection and shared joy!!!
Well done Marianne! This is a subject that needs to be brought up!
Hoi Marianne,
Moedig van je om hierover te praten. Herkenbare situaties en daarom heel waardevol voor mij. Dankjewel.
Very brave to do this.. well done you did it beautifully. I think it’s only right to be a little shy and makes the tone very personal, which this kind of thing is! Thank you.