
NVC Beginners course

Learn how to apply Nonviolent Communication to your life 

NVC Beginners’ Course

 Learn how to apply Nonviolent Communication to your life.

This course is for you if:

You get stuck in conflict or distance with others.

✓ You postpone addressing things which gives you tension and resentment.

✓ You feel lonely even when you are amongst other people.

You are frustrated because you can’t overcome differences between you and others.

✓ You focus mostly on how others feels and don’t take care of your own needs, which leaves you depleted.

This course is for you if:

You get stuck in conflict or distance with others.

✓ You postpone addressing things which gives you tension and resentment.

✓ You feel lonely even when you are amongst other people.

You are frustrated because you can’t overcome differences between you and others.

✓ You focus mostly on how others feels and don’t take care of your own needs, which leaves you depleted.

Results of this course:

Results of this course:

  • You’ve learned to fully resolve conflicts, so you have real peace and relaxation.

  • You know how to address things in a connecting way, creating confidence and space for you in your relationships.

  • Others opens up with you and show vulnerability so you experience more connection.

  • You know how to take care of yourself in your relationships, independent of what the other person does or says, which makes you feel more safe and empowered.

Hi, I’m Marianne and I guide people to have more ease in communication. 

Most of us never learned how to resolve conflict, how to say ‘no’ and how to take care of our needs.

You may not have had parents that showed you how to bridge differences in a relationship.

The lack of education in the past about how to have great relationships is out of our hands. What is in your control, is what you decide to do next.

You can learn how to have an amazing relationship with yourself and others. The only thing you need is an actionable approach!

Nonviolent Communication is the most effective tool for relationships that I’ve found.

I’ve done extensive research on the best way to translate this method into simple, doable action, and have done countless interviews with potential students to create a system that actually works for you. This has resulted in the NVC Beginners Course.

“Life Changing”

– Clementine (France)

Our relationships determine our happiness.

A 75-year Harvard research study about happiness came to one resounding conclusion: good relationships are the number one factor in our overal happiness. We can have a nice job and money in the bank, but if we’re not happy with the people around us, this spoils everything. 

How the course works:

Access to the NVC Communication Formula

This consists of 12 weekly videos and exercises that will teach Nonviolent Communication step by step. You can follow the modules in the safety and the privacy of your own home, at your own pace.  After following them, you will have learned all the basics of NVC.

  • The videos will be available for at least 5 years (and probably longer), so you can also re-watch them after the program has finished.
  • The weekly videos are not available on Youtube or elsewhere. I sometimes add videos from my Youtube as an extra source.

Daily personal support and feedback from Marianne

In the Slack app group specifically setup for my students. Ask any questions you have or bring in a case and I will guide you further every day of the working week. This way you will never need to wait until the next lesson if you’re stuck. It’s also great to build connection with the group.

  • You will get this daily guidance during the video weeks in the first 3 months and then another 3 months in case you are taking a bit longer.
  • There will be support for those who don’t have experience with Slack. Slack is free to use and can be accessed on both your phone and computer, making it easy to stay in touch wherever you are.
NVC course Cara Crisler

Premium Version: 10 live group calls with Cara Crisler, starting 23rd of January 2025.

During the live calls you’ll  practice all the skills you’ve learned in the modules and get feedback. You can experiment in a safe environment. Before each session, you can send in your case and Cara Crisler will coach you on your specific situation. She will also regularly let you practice in break-out groups. We hear time and time again from students that they learn tons from each other’s cases and being coached one on one in the group setting.

  • There will be 10 sessions of 1,5 hours
  • Sessions will be held on Zoom
  • Session will be recorded in case you miss any
  • Read more about coach Cara further below on this page
  • Next series on Thursdays, 23 January – 3 April (excl. 20 February), 8pm CEST. See frequently asked questions for the time in your timezone.
  • Please note that the deadline to sign up is the 16th of January.

Optional: getting linked with practice buddy

A practice buddy is a student from this course who you can set up calls with to:

  • practice NVC in a safe environment. Our partners, colleagues, or family members aren’t always the best place to practice, as we might have a bit of a learning curve before getting the hang of NVC.
  • be heard in the learning process and support each other in that
  • prepare talks that we want to have with someone in our live, and even role play those with the buddy
  • continue doing NVC after the course ends

A lot of people say this is the most valuable part of the course. Often times practice buddies stay connected for life! If you don’t have time for a buddy, don’t worry, you can opt out of this.

“I felt tremendously empowered and relieved that I could face even the most challenging conflicts with more confidence.”

– Nalini (United States)

“I felt tremendously empowered and relieved that I could face even the most challenging conflicts with more confidence.”

– Nalini (United States)

What the program contains:

Module 1


Module 2



Module 3


Module 4

INTO CONNECTION                                                      

Module 5


Module 6


Module 7


Module 8


Module 9


Module 10


Module 11


Module 12


Module 13


unique about our approach 

unique about our APPROACH 

Calls by CNVC certified trainer

Small groups of 15 people max

Long term guidance of 6 months

Includes practice buddy

Money back guarantee of 14 days

Specific modules on parenting & work situations

Choice between live calls & do-it-yourself

Some results of participants:

Some results of participants:

A little more info about the trainers:

A little more info about the trainers:

I’m an NVC trainer and mediator.

In the past decade I’ve trained thousands of people from North-America, Europa, Australasia and other continents. I run the biggest Youtube channel about NVC worldwide.

Before learning about NVC I suffered from depressions and was an enormous people pleaser. After learning about NVC I started to stand up for myself, deepened my relationships and haven’t been depressed or burned out since.

I can’t wait to share my tools with you and let you experience what NVC can bring!

Cara is an NVC trainer certified by CNVC, mediator and accredited coach (at senior level by the European Mentoring & Coaching Council).

She learned NVC after moving from the States to the Netherlands.  ‘It helped me most in unlearning old patterns, like pleasing and avoiding conflict. It helped me learn how to be in tune with me, and true to myself while staying in connection with important people in my life. I now apply it in all of my relationships: as a partner, mother, friend, colleague and perhaps the most important one of all, the one I have with myself.’

 Check us out live:

What people said after working with Cup of Empathy:

Lola (UK)

Indigo (Canada)

You might think…


I get it. And yes, you do need to put in some time to make the program work: it takes about one hour a week. But I did design the program in such a way that you can tailor it to your circumstances. Are you very full? Just come to the live calls. This is where we help you personally with your case. You have longterm access to the videos, so you can watch those at your own pace.

Do you have a bit more time? Watch the videos, do the exercises and participate actively in the Facebook Group. You can ask me questions there every day of the working week. All in all, you can adjust depending on your energy each week what you choose to participate in. It will be a relaxing and rewarding experience.

Oh and everything you learn during the course will save you so much time and so much energy!


Maybe you have an image of yourself as not good at standing up for yourself. Or a label that you are ‘too aggressive’. I’m here to tell you that you don’t need to change. When you learn to judge yourself less and take care of what you need, that is what will reflect in your relationships.

Also, this program is not like school: there are no exams or grades…this is all for your benefit. And I know that people only learn when things are fun. So I made the program in such a way that it is joyful and inspiring to follow. I love humor and lightness and hope you will laugh during the course 🙂


Consider this: the health of our relationships determines how we feel about our life. We may have a great job and a nice house, but if the time with the people around us sucks…our life sucks! It’s our strong, safe bonds that help us to be our best in all other areas of our life.

The investment for this course is nothing compared to that of an individual or relationship therapist. This is waaay more cost effective! And the investment for your life is so worth it..you will get that back: in time, energy, in joy..


Yes, you can read books and watch Youtube videos to improve your relationship. But to really implement everything, is a whole different story. You need to know what things to start with and in what order to go. You need to actually DO things differently. You need to know what to do when you try something with your partner/colleague/friend and then they don’t react the way you expected.

This course is designed in a specific order that guarantees results. I help you with weekly exercises to actually act in a new way. And we know what to do with whatever reaction other people give – so we can tackle things together. That way you see progress fast and certain and you ensure not to make things worse.

“I thought our issues had been going on for too long. But I have really got confidence now”

– Luciana (Brazil)

“I thought our issues had been going on for too long. But I have really got confidence now”

– Luciana (Brazil)

And there are some bonuses:

Bonus 1: How to Bring NVC into Your Workplace

This module offers tools to enhance collaboration, resolve conflicts, and create a more compassionate work environment. Whether you’re a leader or a team member, you’ll learn how to foster open dialogue, build stronger relationships, and cultivate a culture of empathy and understanding. Experience less stress, avoid burnout, and contribute to positive change with NVC.

Bonus 2: NVC with Kids – Building Compassionate Connections

Discover how to create a supportive environment where children feel heard, understood, and valued. In this module, you’ll discover five essential strategies for connecting deeply with children, whether they are your own or others’.

Bonus 3 (available from December 2024) : How to Communicate with the Empathically Challenged

Learn effective strategies for communicating with people who may struggle with empathy, including those with NPD, BPD, autism, and other forms of neurodivergence. This module equips you with the tools to manage challenging conversations, maintain your own emotional well-being, and foster understanding where possible. It also offers guidance for those who want to go no contact with someone.

This module is available in December 2024, also for those who have joined the course prior to that.

“As a result of the course we’ve been able te reconnect”

– Adrien (Canada)


Standard Version

one time payment of
€ 299 (EUR)


6 monthly payments of
€ 59 (EUR)

Premium version

one time payment of
€ 599 (EUR)


6 monthly payments of
€ 109 (EUR)

You’re Protected With The 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

This program has the power to profoundly change your life. I’m confident that if you do the work, you’ll get tremendous value. I back that up with a risk-free guarantee.
Here’s how it works:
Test drive the first modules of NVC Beginners Course. If within 14 days of purchasing you don’t feel we’ve delivered value — just email my support team, show us your completed journal and we’ll issue you a full refund.


When does the course start?

The Standard version of the program is ongoing, you can join anytime.

The Premium version starts several times a year, the next one starts on Thursday, 23 January 2025.

Where does the course take place?

Everything is online — no travel, babysitter or even pants are required. You have access to the training for at least five years and probably longer, so you can go through the materials each week as they’re released in the member’s area, or you can slow things down and work at your own pace.

How much time do I need to commit?

If you plan to work through the program in real time, we recommend about one hour a week. If you’re not able to carve out that much time at first, don’t worry. You get at least 5 years access to the program and it’s available for you to work at your own pace. A lot of people who take the course have families and often full-time jobs – it’s designed to work for you. 

How big are the coaching call groups?

Usually there are around 7-10 people in the coaching calls, 15 max.

How does the Slack Group work?

You get an invitation link to the group when you sign up for the course. The group is private, which means only people from our courses can access it. You can ask questions about the modules, bring in a case, share celebrations, connect with others.. You will need to join Slack first if you don’t already use it.

If you have no experience with Slack, I will guide you through it – no worries!

Can I get my company to pay?

Quite often yes, and we have a special sheet that explains the benefits of NVC for the workplace, email us to get it!

Get a scholarship for this course

Would you like apply for a scholarship? Get more info HERE

What happens after you register for the course?

After signing up you will receive a confirmation email. You will have access to the content/videos of the program right away (modules are released once a week). You will also receive the info on how to access the Facebook Group and live calls for the premium course.

What’s the price in my currency?

What dates and times do the live calls take place where I live?

Do you have other questions? Write to Marianne: info@cupofempathy.com


Standard Version

one time payment of
€ 299 (EUR)


6 monthly payments of
€ 59 (EUR)

Premium version

one time payment of
€ 599 (EUR)


6 monthly payments of
€ 109 (EUR)