Cup of Empathy Scholarship
I want to make our courses accessible to those who may be facing financial challenges. There are two scholarship spots available for each premium course throughout the year.
For them I offer a €100 scholarship for the premium version only. The conditions are that the student pays in one payment and is willing to give us a video testimony after the course finishes.
If you’d like to apply, please carefully review the requirements and instructions. We can only consider complete applications.
1) You are from a country with a relatively less strong economy or are severely financially challenged as an individual. Send us a proof of income or residency.
2) In case of a lot of applications I give priority to BIPOC & other oppressed/marginalised groups. Please indicate if this applies to you.
3) You are available for the course dates and times (make sure to check your timezone!) for the live calls in the premium version. You can find the details under ‘Practical’ here: NVC Beginners Course or NVC Advanced Course
Please confirm that you are. Only the premium version has the scholarship discount, not the standard version without live calls.
4) You are willing to be interviewed by me after the course via Zoom, of which a short one minute testimonial video will be made, that will be published on my website etc. Please confirm that you are available for that.
How to Apply:
Send an email to and include:
- A short video (max 5 minutes) introducing yourself and explaining your situation.
- Proof of income or residency.
We will notify the first suited applicants. Please don’t send us emails to check, or try to negotiate etc, for our inbox sanity 😉
For those who aren’t chosen, I have over 80 free videos on Youtube, and a monthly free webinar where you can ask me questions – please make use of it!
P.S. Not eligible for the scholarship? We have spread payment options as well that are budget friendly. Check all info about the course here.