
There are some sentences that I use quite a lot ever since I started doing Nonviolent Communication. Sentences that easily create connection, clarity or provide self-care. In the NVC Program that I run, participants kept asking me to repeat them ‘so I can write it down’. I gathered these sentences so you can start using them as well!


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What if someone does not want to continue a conversation with you?
Very nice to know NVC, but kind of hard when someone doesn’t want to speak with you..right?
Wrong! The solution to this is pretty easy, and I’m gonna share it with you in my next video!



Get the Need Sheet that I’m talking about here: click here

Get my Tough Talk Preparation Sheet: click here

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Do you wonder how to interrupt someone that speaks longer than you like? In a way that is connecting.. 😁😅? I developed a simple formula based on Nonviolent Communication and I’m sharing it in my next video!



Get the Need Sheet that I’m talking about here: click here

Get my Tough Talk Preparation Sheet: click here

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