
Go to your email inbox to get the link for the webinar!

Share the webinar & win!

I want to be of service to as many people as possible. That’s why I want to thank those who share my webinar with others.

If you do so on social media, you can win a free 10 min video message in which I support you with a specific question you have.

This is how it works:

  1. Share this link to the webinar on a public social media page: https://cup-of-empathy.webinargeek.com/nvc-for-love-relationships-7
    If you want to add a picture, you can right click and save the one below:

2) Then  tell me your name and email to be added to the drawing.

I will randomly select winners from the list. All winners’ posts will be verified. At the end of the webinars on Thursday and Friday, I will announce that day’s winner. I will also email you if you won.

Thank you and see you soon live!